Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky - inventor of helicopter.
Part 3
After the war Igor Sikorsky constructed a universal S-51 widely applied both for military and civil purposes. The development of helicopter production began with purchase of the license for S-51 in the Great Britain, and for S-56 - in France.
The designer considered rescue of human lives to be the main task of the helicopter rather than its military application. During the war in Korea Sikorsky sanitarian-saving helicopters rescued more than 10 thousand people.
S-55 was the first helicopter which in 1952 made a flight across the Atlantics. Sikorsky's S-55 helicopter in the 50s was incomparable. Then Igor Sikorsky designed helicopters for the American presidents. The President Eisenhower carried his guest Nikita Khruschev on S-58. Khruschev liked the machine. Two salon S-58 were purchased by the USSR. The Soviet heavy helicopters surpassed the American only after Sikorsky's death.
The first helicopters with autopilot were also designed by Igor Sikorsky. After the start of series production of S-58 in 1957 and creation of the light machine S-59 breaking the world records of speed and altitude, Igor Ivanovich retired, having reserved the rank of adviser. His company prospered winning the first place in the world by quantity of helicopters of various modifications produced per year though the main competitors, in particular "Boeing-Vertol", were restless. The experience of Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky sufficed the company for many years ahead, providing the successful manufacture of helicopters of the second and third generations, crane helicopter, helicopter-amphibian, helicopter-trawler.
Igor Sikorsky, undoubtedly, belongs to the number of the best technical geniuses of the 20th century. The list of awards and diplomas received by him is extraordinary great. Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky died on October 26, 1972 in the city of Easton (Connecticut).